Wednesday, July 25, 2012

First Post

Well hello there.


What is an appropriate topic for the first entry of a blog? Why cantaloupe? I don't know. But I'm eating cantaloupe right now and it's pretty friggin' delicious. 

So. This is my blog! I find myself at a significant crossroads in life at the moment, and I figured it was as good a time as any to start blogging, which is something I've wanted to do for awhile now. Start my new path in life on a different foot, you know? I'll be twenty-five in a few months, and I find myself in the beginning stages of divorce and having my whole life turned upside down. Razed to the foundations, as it were. Good stuff, but not really. As a result I now have task of reinventing myself and starting new, from eating habits to determining what I'm going to do with my future. 

Fun times, surely. 

To be perfectly honest I don't have a set plan or schedule for this blog. Instead of trying to force all my thoughts and ideas into a strict organization, I figured I'd just wing it. Fun right? We'll see how that goes. No doubt I'll cover an array of titillating subjects that will ravish the senses of my readers. All two of them. Me and you. Aha, kidding (I hope)! 

I am a reader of books, watcher or shows and movies, peruser of the internet and a self-proclaimed academic on everything. I'm looking to expand on this list of descriptions and hope to have a fun time doing it. So surely this blog will be all sorts of fun. 

A snapshot of my current life: Currently in the regrouping stage of having my one and only serious relationship crumble into rotten pieces, which means I'm squatting in my high school bedroom in order to get my finances in enough order to kick the crap out of my student debt and get a place of my own God knows where. I'm seriously looking into attending law school next fall, or at least pursuing a graduate level degree to help catapult me into a desirable career that isn't customer service. Maybe along the way I'll experience that crazy young life I missed out on as a result of marrying retarded young, too. 

And that in a very vague nutshell is where I am at the moment. Instead of trying desperately to describe myself in a single entry, why not let the blog do the describing? Great idea. So here's to the start of a blog and the small hope that it is successful (is read by more people than just myself).

Yay! Here's some more cantaloupe: 

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